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“But when these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” (Luke 21:28)



Silicon Valley’s AI Ambitions

Tech companies in Silicon Valley are heavily investing in humanoid robots, believing they will soon become a reality despite significant hurdles.


Preview of the Antichrist’s Global System

The development of 6G technology is not merely a technical advancement; it is a step toward the prophesied global surveillance.


When Angelology Deviates from Biblical Truth

Throughout history, humanity has had a deep fascination with angels, leading some to explore figures like Metatron.


Another Pandemic Scare?

Researchers at the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology detected the new strain living within bats.


Canadian Calls for a Christless Christianity

A Canadian government official has called for the removal of the term “Savior” from core Christian beliefs, arguing that Christianity should evolve to be more inclusive.


The Growing Threat to Privacy and Freedom

The push toward mandatory digital identities is accelerating, with governments worldwide introducing policies that could make them a permanent part of daily life.


Middle East Diplomacy in Biblical Truth

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee emphasizes that effective Middle East diplomacy must be rooted in the truths of God's Word.


Chip Creates New State of Matter

Microsoft unveils Majorana 1, the world’s first quantum processor powered by topological qubits


Saviorless Gospel: The Great Apostasy?

A pastor recently claimed that referring to Jesus as "the Savior" is a stumbling block to church attendance, arguing that such language turns people away from Christianity.


Why Are So Many Church Leaders Falling

The fall of church leaders has become an increasingly common issue that affects the integrity of the Church.


A Prophetic Prelude to the Tribulation?

Bible prophecy warns of a time when the nations will be obsessed with Israel and Jerusalem (Zechariah 12:1-3).


China War Drills Near Australia & NZ

CHINA has launched shock war drills near Australia and New Zealand forcing flights to dramatically divert.

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