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“But when these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” (Luke 21:28)



The World's Hatred for Israel

Anti-Semitic sentiment is on the rise, as false claims about Jewish world domination spread unchecked.


Islam’s Growing Challenge to Christianity

A Muslim cleric in New Jersey recently declared that Christians are "open idolators," accusing them of associating partners with Allah.


Playing God: Wuhan’s Risky Experiments

Reports reveal that the Wuhan lab, infamous for its connection to the COVID-19 outbreak, is planning new bat virus experiments.


Europe's Fight for Freedom

Recent events in Europe have highlighted a concerning erosion of fundamental freedoms, particularly those related to religious expression and moral convictions.


God Will Judge Israel’s Enemies

Israel is constantly under attack, whether from hostile nations, global institutions, or the media.


Damascus: Brink of Prophecy Fulfillment?

With rising tensions in the Middle East, many are asking if the stage is being set for the prophecy of Isaiah 17:1.


Technocracy’s Coup and the Divine Warning

The increasing influence of technocratic governance in America poses a significant threat to the God-given freedoms enshrined in Scripture.


Globalism Seeks to Erase Public Christianity

The rise of globalism presents significant challenges to the public expression of the Christian faith.


Are the Skies Pointing to Christ’s Return?

A rare planetary alignment is captivating the world, as multiple celestial bodies will line up in the night sky.


How Glycan Structures Defy Evolution

A new scientific paper reveals that glycan structures defy evolutionary explanation. This discovery is yet another confirmation that God's handiwork is undeniable.


Defending God’s Marriage Covenant

In recent developments, lawmakers in nine U.S. states have introduced measures urging the Supreme Court to reconsider the 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges decision.


Transmaxxing: Gender Distortion

In recent discussions, a concerning trend has emerged where individuals, particularly men, choose to transition to a female identity for perceived societal benefits.

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