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The Pentagon’s Killer Robots: A Foreshadowing of Tribulation Warfare

The U.S. military is developing autonomous killer robots, raising ethical and prophetic concerns. While AI-driven warfare promises efficiency, it also removes human restraint, leading to a world where machines decide who lives and dies. This aligns with Jesus' warning that the end times will be marked by unprecedented violence and destruction (Matthew 24:6-7).

As governments invest in AI-powered military systems, we move closer to the prophetic scenario described in Revelation. The Bible speaks of wars that will escalate, culminating in global devastation (Revelation 6:4). The rise of autonomous weapons increases the potential for mass destruction without accountability, setting the stage for an era of warfare unlike anything seen before.

Believers must recognize that while technology advances, the spiritual battle intensifies. The development of AI-controlled weaponry reflects humanity's increasing reliance on machines over moral discernment. It serves as yet another warning that the world is moving toward the tribulation period, where war and destruction will reach their peak. Now is the time to remain watchful, knowing that these advancements point to the nearness of Christ’s return. READ MORE

Commentary by Joe Hawkins

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