The increasing influence of technocratic governance in America poses a significant threat to the God-given freedoms enshrined in Scripture. Technocracy, characterized by the consolidation of power among technological elites and the implementation of scientific management over societal functions, seeks to reshape the nation according to secular and humanistic ideologies. This shift undermines the biblical principles of individual liberty and moral responsibility, as decisions are increasingly made by a select few rather than through collective discernment aligned with God's Word.
This movement towards a technocratic society reflects a departure from reliance on divine guidance, favoring instead human wisdom and technological prowess. The centralization of authority in the hands of a technocratic elite mirrors the warnings found in Scripture against placing trust in human institutions over God's sovereignty. As society becomes more dependent on technology and the individuals who control it, there is a growing risk of eroding personal freedoms and moral accountability, leading to a form of governance that prioritizes efficiency over ethical considerations.
Believers are called to remain vigilant, discerning the times, and steadfastly upholding the truths of Scripture. In the face of rising technocratic influence, it is imperative to advocate for a societal structure that honors God's design for governance, emphasizing justice, mercy, and humility. As the prophet Micah reminds us, "He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God" (Micah 6:8).