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Where Did Everyone Go? It Was The Aliens!

Writer's picture: Joe HawkinsJoe Hawkins

I'm going to preface this article by first stating the obvious, NO, it was not the aliens. Secondly, I'm writing this article after my friend J.B. Hixson gave a presentation at my church and when he began on the topic of UFOs/UAPs, a family left. I'm writing this because J.B. couldn't be any clearer of his position, yet there are still many out there that refuse to see what's going on. It's classic cognitive dissonance. We must talk about hard topics. This is where the Church has failed for so many years. This is the reason why abortion on demand is a thing. Because the Church stayed silent on a taboo topic. No longer!

For decades, discussions about aliens and UFOs (now UAPs) were confined to the fringes of popular culture. A subject too outrageous for serious discourse. Today, however, we see the mainstream media reporting, testimony in the halls of Congress, and blockbuster documentaries, such as Age of Disclosure, challenging the old taboos. As a Biblicist and student of Bible Prophecy who has long examined the prophetic dimensions of our modern age, I believe that what we once dismissed as outlandish may be part of a diabolical plan. In my view, while 90–99 percent of the phenomena we observe can be explained by advanced military aircraft, experimental technology, or natural events, the remaining 1–10 percent that defies explanation are not evidence of benevolent extraterrestrial visitors from distant galaxies. Instead, they are interdimensional manifestations of demonic power. A counterfeit display orchestrated by Satan as he prepares the world for the Rapture and the final battle of the ages.

In this article, I will examine how the sudden change in demeanor around the subject of UFOs reflects a deeper spiritual battle. We will explore how this modern interest might be a calculated preconditioning of our minds for full disclosure, discuss the historical significance of the modern UFO era beginning in 1947, and consider what it all means for Christians today. Drawing on scriptural warnings, external secular sources, and insights from J.B. Hixson’s Spirit of the Antichrist, Volume Two (Chapter 9), I contend that Satan is using these phenomena to confuse and deceive the masses at a time when genuine divine revelation is at hand.


The Changing Landscape of UFO Discourse

In the early days of the Cold War, UFO sightings were met with derision or dismissed as misidentifications of conventional aircraft. Twenty years ago, talking about this topic was seen as fringe. A subject relegated to conspiracy forums and tabloid headlines. Fast forward to today, and we see the topic embraced by government officials, mainstream media, and even respected investigative bodies. Congressional hearings, declassified documents, and documentaries have brought what was once considered a taboo into public discourse. But is this newfound acceptance a genuine search for truth, or are we being preconditioned for a larger deception?

The answer may lie in the realm of prophecy. The Bible warns us in Luke 21:25–26:

“There will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.”

This passage suggests that as the Second Coming of Jesus Christ approaches, extraordinary phenomena will manifest both in the heavens and on earth. There is a big difference in the Rapture and the Second Coming, however the Rapture is a “signless” event. The signs we look for are those signs referenced in the Olivet Discourse. If we see those things starting to happen now then that means the Rapture is close at hand. While many now interpret these as possible signs of extraterrestrial contact, I argue that the phenomena we cannot explain are, in fact, demonic in nature. Tools of Satan’s final offensive.

The mainstream shift is not accidental. From high-level government disclosures to the increasing number of UFO-related programs and task forces (such as the UAP Task Force and formerly AATIP), evidence of the phenomena has been gathered for decades. Yet despite this proliferation of data, our ultimate interpretation of these events must be measured against the unwavering truth of Scripture. As Christians, our challenge is to distinguish between genuine divine intervention and the counterfeit miracles that signal the rising tide of demonic deception.


The Spiritual Battlefield

At the core of the matter is the timeless spiritual battle between God and Satan. The Bible tells us that the forces of darkness are not merely abstract concepts but active agents working against the Kingdom of God. In 2 Thessalonians 2:9, the apostle Paul warns:

“The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders.”

Jesus Himself cautioned in Matthew 24:24 about “false christs and false prophets” who would perform deceptive wonders to lead even the elect astray. These passages set a clear standard: any phenomenon that seeks to mimic divine power must be scrutinized with biblical discernment.

The surge of UFO sightings, especially those that defy logical explanation, fits precisely into this biblical framework of deception. When the majority of sightings can be traced to explainable sources (i.e. secret military projects, experimental aircraft, or natural phenomena) the small but stubborn percentage that remains unexplained becomes a dark anomaly. Rather than being evidence of advanced extraterrestrial technology, these anomalies are more consistent with the scriptural description of counterfeit miracles designed by demonic forces to mislead and confuse.

The spiritual battle is not fought on the conventional battlefield; it is waged in the unseen realms. As Ephesians 6:12 reminds us:

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

In this age, as the forces of darkness intensify their activities, the phenomena in our skies are part of the “spirit of phenomena”, a trademark of the days leading up to the end times. This counterfeit spectacle is intended not to reveal the truth but to mask it, so that when the true return of Christ occurs, it might be dismissed as another instance of high-tech wizardry.


The Dawn of the Modern UFO Era: 1947 and the Significance of Israel

One cannot discuss modern UFO phenomena without acknowledging the pivotal year of 1947. This was the year when the modern UFO era began with the renowned Kenneth Arnold sighting near Mount Rainier and the infamous Roswell Crash in New Mexico. But why 1947? I believe the answer lies in a convergence of historical and prophetic significance.

1947 was not only the year when unexplained sightings began to capture national attention; it was also a period of profound global change. In May 1948, Israel was reestablished as a nation after nearly 1900 years of dispersion. For the biblical worldview, the reemergence of Israel is a critical event in God’s plan, a sign that the prophetic clock is ticking toward the end times.

According to J.B. Hixson in Chapter 9 of Spirit of the Antichrist, Volume Two, Satan was quick to react when he saw the final pieces of God’s plan falling into place. With Israel’s rebirth, the spiritual battle intensified. Satan, who has always sought to subvert God’s work, recognized that a new era was dawning. A time when humanity’s spiritual defenses might be lowered. To counter this, he unleashed a barrage of phenomena in the skies, creating a “spirit of phenomena” that would serve as a foretaste of the deception to come. Let’s remember that Satan is not omnipresent (ever present), so he has to have his fallen angels to go check things out. These phenomena are very likely fallen angel technology for which they can get from point A to B quick, fast, and in a hurry. Also, fallen angels are interdimensional. Our human brains really can comprehend it.

The timing of the modern UFO boom is no coincidence. As detailed in Hixson’s chapter, the surge in aerial phenomena between 1946 and 1949 corresponds with a period of tremendous geopolitical upheaval and technological advancement. From the atomic bomb’s shockwaves to the rapid innovations in aerospace technology, the late 1940s were a crucible in which the battle lines between light and darkness were drawn. Satan’s reaction was swift: if God was moving forward with the reestablishment of His chosen nation, then the enemy had to mobilize his forces, and what better display than mysterious aerial phenomena that defy natural explanation?

Thus, the modern UFO era should be understood not as a random burst of scientific mystery but as part of a larger spiritual offensive A calculated effort to confound, distract, and ultimately deceive a world on the brink.


UFOs, Demonic Manifestations, and the U.S. Government

Chapter 9 of Spirit of the Antichrist, Volume Two provides an extensive historical overview of the U.S. government’s engagement with UFO phenomena. According to Hixson, the reality of UFOs is undeniable. Millions of eyewitness accounts, government files, congressional hearings, and secret programs such as Project Sign, Project Grudge, and Project Blue Book attest to the existence of unexplained aerial phenomena. Even as high-ranking officials and military personnel have reported encounters, ranging from the Kenneth Arnold sighting to the “Tic Tac UFO” incident off the coast of San Diego. The official explanation has remained murky at best.

Yet while many ufologists maintain that these sightings are evidence of extraterrestrial technology, my interpretation, as well as Hixson’s, firmly grounded in Scripture, is quite different. As Hixson argues, the phenomenon we see is not one of interplanetary visitation but a counterfeiting of true miracles. Angels and demons have the capacity to take on physical form (cf. Genesis 19; Hebrews 13:2), and it is no stretch of the imagination to suggest that the anomalies that defy our natural laws are the handiwork of fallen, interdimensional beings.

Government agencies from the U.S. Air Force’s investigations to the more recent efforts of the UAP Task Force have long been aware of these phenomena. As documented in declassified files and congressional hearings, there is a significant body of evidence that these objects operate in ways that defy conventional physics. When Navy pilots capture video footage of objects that accelerate and maneuver at impossible speeds (the so-called “Gimbal” and “Go Fast” UFOs), the natural explanation is stretched beyond its limits. Instead, when measured against the backdrop of Bible prophecy, the only viable interpretation is that we are witnessing a sophisticated form of spiritual warfare. A tactic designed by Satan to blur the line between the miraculous and the mundane.

The U.S. government’s long history of investigating UFOs, from the early days of Project Sign to the recent public hearings, reveals a persistent and pervasive effort to both understand and cover up the true nature of these phenomena. As noted in the chapter, even high-level testimony before Congress has admitted that many sightings remain unexplained. The reluctance to offer definitive answers, coupled with the ongoing disinformation campaigns (such as the Robertson Panel’s recommendations to debunk rather than investigate), suggests a deliberate strategy of obfuscation. This cover-up is not merely about national security; it is part of a broader, more sinister spiritual agenda.


Preconditioning for Full Disclosure?

As we witness a gradual shift in how UFO phenomena are discussed publicly, one must ask: Are we being preconditioned for something? Mainstream media now report on UFO sightings with a seriousness that was unthinkable two decades ago. Testimonies from former military insiders, such as those documented by Luis Elizondo in his book Imminent: Inside the Pentagon’s Hunt for UFOs, have elevated the topic from mere speculation to a subject worthy of national attention. Simultaneously, documentaries like Age of Disclosure and popular shows such as Secrets of Skinwalker Ranch lend an air of legitimacy to these phenomena.

But what is the purpose behind this dramatic shift? I contend that this is a calculated effort, whether by human institutions or by the enemy, to acclimate us to the idea of full disclosure. By normalizing the presence of mysterious aerial phenomena, the powers that be may be paving the way for an even more significant, even more disorienting event: the Rapture.

Consider this: if the public becomes so accustomed to the idea that extraordinary events in the sky are nothing more than technological marvels or unexplained natural occurrences, then when the true, divine intervention occurs, when millions vanish in the blink of an eye, the event may be misinterpreted as another instance of high-tech deception. The spiritual significance of the Rapture, a moment described in 1 Corinthians 15:52 as occurring “in the twinkling of an eye,” could be obscured by the pervasive presence of counterfeit miracles in our skies.

The media’s role in this preconditioning cannot be overstated. When mainstream news channels report on government hearings and UFO documentaries, they contribute to a cultural narrative that normalizes the mysterious. Meanwhile, government agencies, through secret programs like AATIP and the UAP Task Force, continue to investigate and, at times, conceal the truth behind these phenomena. This two-pronged approach, public normalization and covert suppression, serves to condition our expectations. In such an environment, the extraordinary becomes the expected, and the genuine return of Christ may be dismissed as just another cosmic anomaly.

In Chapter 8 of his book Imminent: Inside the Pentagon’s Hunt for UFOs, titled “Angels or Demons,” Luis Elizondo delves into one of the most contentious questions of our time: Are these phenomena angelic in nature or the work of demonic deception? Elizondo recounts a revealing conversation with his trusted colleague, a former high-level government operative, whose remarks are both blunt and illuminating. When asked about the true nature of the UAPs, his colleague stated:

“It’s demonic. There is no reason we should be looking into this. We already know what they are and where they come from. They are deceivers. Demons.”


What This Means for the Believer?

For believers, the implications of the current UFO boom are profound. The convergence of extraterrestrial discourse with biblical prophecy forces us to confront a dual reality: one where scientific inquiry meets supernatural deception. The mainstream embrace of UFO phenomena, fueled by government disclosures and sensational documentaries, is not merely an intellectual curiosity, it is a critical front in the spiritual battle for souls.

As Christians, we must be on guard. The apostle Paul reminds us in Ephesians 6:12 that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces. In an age where the skies themselves are being used as a battleground for demonic counterfeits, our primary weapon must be the unchanging Word of God. We are called to test every sign and wonder against Scripture, to discern truth from deception, and to stand fast in our hope for Christ’s return.

For the Christian community, the call to action is clear. We must cultivate discernment by immersing ourselves in the truth of Scripture. By anchoring ourselves in the eternal truth of God’s Word, we can resist the seductive allure of demonic deception and remain prepared for the day when the true return of Christ is revealed.

May this article serve as both a warning and a call to action for all who seek to understand the deeper spiritual realities behind the phenomena of our time. The enemy’s final push is at hand, and the signs in the heavens are unmistakable. Yet we have a Blessed Hope. A promise of salvation and a future secured by the return of our Savior. As we stand firm against the tide of deception, let us remember that our ultimate victory belongs to the One who reigns forever. Amen!


Stay Awake. Keep Watch.

Joe Hawkins



  • Age of Disclosure

  • Luis Elizondo, Imminent: Inside the Pentagon’s Hunt for UFOs 

  • Secrets of Skinwalker Ranch 

  • JB Hixson, Spirit of the Antichrist, Volume Two, Chapter 9 

  • Scriptural References:

    • Luke 21:25–26

    • 2 Thessalonians 2:9

    • Matthew 24:24

    • 1 Corinthians 15:52

    • 1 Thessalonians 5:21–22

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