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The Days of Noah Redux

Writer's picture: Joe HawkinsJoe Hawkins

Updated: Feb 20

The Apostle Paul warned the church in Ephesus that "our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places" (Ephesians 6:12). This sobering reminder points to an unseen battle that has raged since humanity's inception. It also lays the foundation for understanding the pervasive influence that fallen angels have regarding the affairs of mankind.

The existence and influence of fallen angels offer a compelling explanation for the rapid advancements in human technology. Could these advancements, unprecedented in speed and scope, be part of a larger satanic agenda to establish the beast system foretold in Revelation 13? Let’s explore this question through the lens of biblical history, prophecy, and modern developments.

Genesis 6: The Days of Noah

The biblical account of Genesis 6 describes a time of great corruption on Earth, marked by the intermingling of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men." Many scholars like Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum and myself identify these "sons of God" as fallen angels who took human wives, producing a hybrid offspring known as the Nephilim. This act of rebellion against God's created order was so severe that it necessitated divine judgment through the flood.

Jesus Himself referenced the days of Noah when describing the conditions preceding His return: "For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah" (Matthew 24:37). Not only is this a verse that identifies humanity as just being status quo, but also suggests a return to similar patterns of corruption and spiritual rebellion. Many theologians believe that the pre-flood world was not primitive but highly advanced, with knowledge and technology imparted by these fallen angels.

Post-flood, the remnants of this knowledge likely persisted, manifesting in the rapid rise of civilizations like Babylon, Sumer, and Egypt. These cultures achieved remarkable advancements in architecture, mathematics, and astronomy, often attributed to divine or extraterrestrial sources. However, I prefer interdimensional sources. Their accomplishments hint at a preserved legacy of fallen angel technology, repurposed to lead humanity further away from God.

The pre-flood and Babel narratives underscore a pattern: fallen beings influencing humanity to create technologies and systems that ultimately result in rebellion against God. This same pattern is evident in today’s unprecedented technological advancements, which align eerily with prophetic warnings about the end times. This corrupted knowledge now serves to build systems of global control, spiritual deception, and idolatry, paving the way for the Antichrist's dominion.

Modern Technology: A Quantum Leap

Fast forward to the 20th and 21st centuries, and humanity has witnessed an explosion of technological innovation. From the Industrial Revolution to the Digital Age, the pace of advancement defies natural explanation. Nathan Jones of Lamb & Lion Ministries notes that while human ingenuity plays a role, the sudden leaps in fields like artificial intelligence, genetics, and quantum computing raise questions about external influence.

Consider the words of Jesus: "For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect" (Matthew 24:24). Could these signs and wonders be technological in nature or a call back to sorcery/magic, facilitated by fallen angelic influence? The prophet Daniel observed that "knowledge will increase" in the end times (Daniel 12:4). While this prophecy has a broader context, it’s intriguing to consider how technological proliferation aligns with this prediction.

One of the most striking developments is the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI). AI’s potential to simulate human cognition and decision-making raises profound ethical and existential questions. Coupled with advances in quantum computing, which promises to solve complex problems at unimaginable speeds, AI represents a quantum leap in human capability. But at what cost?

Transhumanism, the pursuit of merging human biology with technology, is another area where modern advancements intersect with biblical prophecy. By attempting to "upgrade" humanity, transhumanists echo the serpent’s ancient lie: "You will be like God" (Genesis 3:5). Technologies like Neuralink, which seeks to connect the human brain to computers, blur the lines between humanity and machine, paving the way for the dehumanizing control mechanisms described in Revelation 13.

Space exploration and the search for extraterrestrial life also raise questions about the dissemination of fallen angel technology. Reports of unexplained aerial phenomena (UAP) and UFOs have captured the public’s imagination, but their true origins remain suspect, or do they? Could these phenomena represent modern manifestations of the same rebellious beings described in Genesis 6?

Modern technology’s trajectory suggests a convergence of human ingenuity and external influence, aligning with the satanic blueprint for the end times. These advancements may seem beneficial but carry profound spiritual implications that demand discernment from believers.

Deception Through Technology

Satan is the master deceiver (John 8:44). One of his primary tactics is to present destructive tools as beneficial. For example, genetic engineering promises to eradicate disease but opens the door to playing God. Artificial intelligence offers convenience but raises ethical and existential questions. These "solutions" subtly condition humanity to accept greater control under the guise of progress.

As referenced earlier, humanity’s tendency to idolize knowledge and power, echoes the serpent’s temptation in Eden: "You will be like God" (Genesis 3:5). Today, the same lie manifests in the transhumanist movement, which seeks to merge human consciousness with machines. This aspiration aligns disturbingly with the prophesied image of the beast, which "speaks" and demands worship (Revelation 13:15).

Social media and the internet represent another avenue of deception. These platforms, while offering connectivity and information, often serve as tools for spreading misinformation, fostering division, and normalizing sinful behaviors. Algorithms prioritize sensational and immoral content, shaping societal values and attitudes in ways that align with Satan’s agenda.

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) further blur the lines between truth and illusion. These technologies, while offering entertainment and educational potential, can also immerse users in alternate realities that desensitize them to spiritual truths. The Bible warns that in the last days, people will "turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths" (2 Timothy 4:4). VR and AR could be instrumental in fulfilling this prophecy.

Ultimately, the deception through technology underscores the importance of spiritual discernment. By grounding ourselves in God’s Word and seeking His wisdom, we can navigate these challenges without falling prey to the enemy’s schemes.

A Return to Sorcery

The Greek word for sorcery, pharmakeia, appears in Revelation 18:23, describing Babylon’s deception of the nations. While often associated with drug use, pharmakeia also encompasses occult practices and manipulative technologies. Fallen angel technology could be the modern equivalent of ancient sorcery, seducing humanity into a web of dependency and deception.

The technological advancements of our age, heralded as progress, bear striking similarities to the practices condemned in Scripture. In ancient times, sorcery (pharmakeia) intertwined with the occult, using potions and rituals to manipulate spiritual forces. Today, the manipulation of biology, digital consciousness, and the integration of man with machine echo these forbidden practices. The resurgence of practices like divination, ritual magic, and the normalization of witchcraft in popular culture are not coincidental. They reveal a society increasingly willing to blend the physical and spiritual realms in defiance of God’s design.

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to predict and control human behavior, coupled with genetic engineering, places humanity on a path toward the replication of sorcery. These technologies promise healing, knowledge, and power but often demand the sacrifice of autonomy, morality, and faith. The parallels between these modern advancements and the forbidden practices of old should alarm discerning believers, compelling them to resist the seductive call of technological idolatry.

In the entertainment industry, we see a deliberate return to themes of magic, witchcraft, and otherworldly powers. Disney, for instance, has heavily promoted narratives involving spellcasting, enchanted worlds, and supernatural beings. Recent films and series like "Hocus Pocus 2" and "The Owl House" normalize witchcraft for younger audiences, presenting it as harmless fun or even heroic. This normalization desensitizes viewers to the spiritual dangers of engaging with the occult.

Music, too, has embraced occult imagery. Pop and rap artists frequently incorporate symbols associated with witchcraft, divination, and satanic rituals in their videos and lyrics. These elements often go unnoticed by the casual listener but contribute to a broader cultural shift that glorifies rebellion against God. Billie Eilish, Lil Nas X, Taylor Swift, and others have faced criticism for content steeped in dark and supernatural themes.

Pete Garcia has written, “replace ‘magic’ with technology, and add in some demonic influence and what you have is a recipe for evil incarnate perpetuated by mass mediums to large swaths of people”. The resurgence of sorcery aligns with prophetic warnings about widespread deception in the last days. The Bible cautions that such practices will return as we draw nearer towards the 70th week of Daniel.

The Beast System: Revelation 13

Revelation 13 describes a dystopian system led by the Antichrist and empowered by the False Prophet. This system demands total allegiance, enforced through a "mark" without which no one can buy or sell (Revelation 13:16-17). In my opinion, the infrastructure for such control requires advanced technologies such as centralized digital currencies, biometric identification, and artificial intelligence.

Could these technologies have their roots in fallen angelic knowledge? The pervasive reach of today’s surveillance systems and the increasing integration of human biology with technology (e.g., Neuralink) suggest a satanic blueprint. The Beast system will leverage humanity’s dependence on technology, turning it into a mechanism of oppression.

Digital currencies, like central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), represent a significant step toward the economic control prophesied in Revelation. Unlike traditional cash, CBDCs can be programmed to restrict transactions, monitor spending, and enforce compliance with government policies. Combined with AI-driven surveillance, this technology could facilitate the type of totalitarian control described in Scripture.

Another critical element is the "image of the beast," which "speaks" and demands worship (Revelation 13:15). Advances in AI and holographic technology make it plausible for this prophecy to be fulfilled in ways unimaginable a few decades ago. The False Prophet’s ability to deceive through this image underscores the role of technology as a tool of spiritual deception.

Additionally, the Beast system’s global reach will require a comprehensive network of digital communications and data collection. The advent of Starlink technology and the Internet of Things (IoT) ensures that every device, transaction, and conversation is connected and potentially monitored. This level of surveillance mirrors the omnipresence claimed by God but is instead wielded by Satan through his earthly proxies.

The Beast system’s technological underpinnings highlight the need for vigilance among believers. Understanding the spiritual implications of these advancements equips us to resist the deceptive allure of convenience and progress, focusing instead on God’s eternal promises.

A Call to the Remnant

In the face of such overwhelming deception, the Lord continues to raise up a remnant. This faithful group, grounded in His Word, must discern the times and equip others to stand firm. We are called to put on the full armor of God and to boldly proclaim the truth, even when it is unpopular or met with hostility.

This call is not merely about resisting the technology itself but about rejecting the worldview it represents. The remnant must counter the lie that humanity can achieve perfection or immortality apart from God with the truth that only in Christ, Jesus is true restoration possible. By fostering communities rooted in biblical teaching, prayer, and mutual support, the remnant can shine as a beacon of hope and truth in a world increasingly consumed by darkness.


Fallen angel technology and the rise of transhumanism are not merely advancements in science and innovation; they represent a spiritual battle for the heart and soul of humanity. The blending of sorcery with technology, the normalization of ancient occult practices, and the promise of godlike power through human ingenuity point to the ultimate deception foretold in Scripture. As these trends escalate, believers must remain vigilant, rooted in God’s Word, and committed to His truth.

The time is short, and the battle is real. Yet, we take comfort in the promise that Christ has already secured the ultimate victory. While the world embraces deception, the faithful must stand firm, proclaiming the Gospel and looking toward the blessed hope of His glorious return (Titus 2:13). Let us be found ready, prepared to give an answer to those who ask about the hope within us, and steadfast in our commitment to the truth that sets us free.

1. Fruchtenbaum, Arnold G. (2005). Footsteps of the Messiah: A Study of the Sequence of Prophetic Events. Ariel Ministries.

2. Garcia, Pete. "The Mark of the Beast: Parts I-III", October 2020.

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